Archives – popular  


ELVIS PRESLEY – “Jailhouse Rock”
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(You might also like to read Part 1 of a 3-part piece loosely about the 1000th No.1. I should probably say that piece contains SPOILERS as to the identity of the 1000th No.1, my apologies if that had been a source of pleasurable suspense for you.)



STEVE BROOKSTEIN – “Against All Odds”
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The 24 Number 1s between Sam & Mark and Girls Aloud are the longest Popular has been Reality TV free since Hear’Say’s first hit. You might have been fooled into thinking its heyday was over. You would have been quite wrong.

The X Factor is[…]


BAND AID 20 – “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”
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“The 2000s remakes all got a bit too clever”, sniffed SAW’s Mike Stock years later. A touch of bitterness there perhaps – the people involved with this were as likely to rep for Pictures Of Starving Children Sell Records as Band Aid II &#[…]


GIRLS ALOUD – “I’ll Stand By You”
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Girls Aloud were two bands uneasily sharing one career. They were the TV competition winners who kept one foot in the light entertainment paddock, reliably putting out a cover version whenever a telethon required it. And they were the pop band &#8211[…]


U2 – “Vertigo”
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For me Bono’s most likeable – if sometimes excruciating – trait is how candid he is about his ambitions and excitement over each record his band makes. The Wikipedia pages for U2 records are always breadcrumb trails of aspirations, as o[…]


EMINEM – “Just Lose It”
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The root of puerile is puer, the Latin for boy, and the word still has that resonance: childish but in the snickering, smutty, swaggering way of the tweenage boy, that pre-adolescent phase when bodies are a source of mystery and fascination at the sa[…]


JA RULE ft R KELLY & ASHANTI – “Wonderful”
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This is a short entry, because I don’t want to give a mediocre R.Kelly penned (and featuring!) record much more attention than it deserves, which is basically none. Ja Rule’s shrewdness in picking collaborators has since become more widely unders[…]


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Guy Chambers’ ex-Westlife rescue mission spelt opportunity for his more famous writing partner. Robbie Williams had already been a star when he found Chambers, and what the songwriter brought him was structure, giving a young man the chance to turn[…]


ERIC PRYDZ – “Call On Me”
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“To lose one Number 1 to a no-name producer, M’sieu Bangalter, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two seems like carelessness.” “Call On Me” shares an origin with Spacedust’s workout-based “Gym & Tonic” – a canny music[…]


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In the Industrial Revolution of 00s pop, Westlife were the darkest and most satanic of mills, an inexorable manufactory turning out ballads by the yard. When I started Popular the signs their reign was ending weren’t as obvious as they seem in hind[…]


Latest comments on Popular

  1. Well the Housemartins' bassist was a schoolchum of both the journalist Andrew Sullivan and of Labour front man Kier Starmer...

  2. I don't believe Dave Lee Roth has gone long enough between sexual encounters to build up the frustration required for…

  3. Here's a thing: if this were a stand-alone freakbeat breakout hit, I'd probably go 10/10 straight away without a moment's…