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U2 – "Beautiful Day"
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A theological detour. The rise of New Atheism – Dawkins et al. – seems to have made it somewhat infra dig for lifelong unbelievers like me to admit there are things we respect and admire about religions and the religious. But of course th[…]


ALL SAINTS – "Black Coffee"
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All Saints’ final number one is their most oblique, their most grown-up, also their finest. The song barely glances at its title – a pair of words out of a hundred in the lyric – but the whole record is a glance or a quiet smile, a cele[…]


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I don’t know if “Against All Odds” is the best Phil Collins song. I suspect it is. But it’s certainly the most Phil Collins song, the complete conjunction of things you might associate with Phil Collins: song-shifting drum breakdowns, male pa[…]


MODJO – "Lady (Hear Me Tonight)"
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“Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” came hard on the heels of “Groovejet” as a revivalist disco hit. It also works as a despondent, pleading answer record: where Sophie Ellis-Bextor embraces the dancefloor as a flirtatious zone of mystery and ambiguity,[…]


A1 – "Take On Me"
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A single that’s good for one thing, at least: “Which group got to No.1 with Take On Me?” is a reliably sneaky pop quiz question. Beyond that, it’s tempting to dismiss A1’s version as irrelevant. Doubly tempting if you were 12 in 1985, and t[…]


MADONNA – "Music"
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“Her whole career’s been like, oh, they’re the trendy person of the moment, I’ll work with them to make me younger. They’re using you.” – Aphex Twin on Madonna, 2001.
I am the same age now – just turned 42 – as Madonna w[…]


SPILLER – "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)"
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The revival of disco within pop put a spotlight on something that had gone missing over the 90s: a sense of music not just for dancing, but for dancing with someone. Disco was a music of mutual attraction: cruising, flirtation, negotiation. Its dance[…]


MELANIE C – "I Turn To You"
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What does a Mel C record sound like? Not an easy question. Her solo singles ask more, in terms of brand loyalty, than any other Spice – she was respected for her voice, and the assumption is you’ll want to follow it through flashy Britrock ([…]


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Back at “Millennium” I claimed that Robbie Williams’ wild success, his undeniable – and untranslatable – appeal as a pop star, said something wider about turn of the century British culture; that Robbie fitted into a post-Blair, pos[…]


CRAIG DAVID – "7 Days"
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When Craig David’s manager heard the chorus of “7 Days” for the first time, he knew at once the 17 year old would be a star. The song made him. It also doomed him. “7 Days” is the most immediate single of the year, and also the easiest to p[…]


Latest comments on Popular

  1. Oh, I bloody love Dakota. And yes, I am one of those “it’s their only good single” people. But my…

  2. Well the Housemartins' bassist was a schoolchum of both the journalist Andrew Sullivan and of Labour front man Kier Starmer...

  3. I don't believe Dave Lee Roth has gone long enough between sexual encounters to build up the frustration required for…

  4. Here's a thing: if this were a stand-alone freakbeat breakout hit, I'd probably go 10/10 straight away without a moment's…