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ROD STEWART – "Baby Jane"
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A blowsy wreck of a single, this, keys and sax and guitar and Rod all fighting for the same earspace over an aggressively chuntering rhythm. What you really notice is how one-note and shot Stewart sounds – his great strength as a vocalist, that[…]


THE POLICE – "Every Breath You Take"
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I guess the mid-paced slog of a rhythm which dominates “Every Breath You Take” is meant to suggest its narrator’s implacability – the unresting patience of a stalker. Rock is a generally lively medium though and it takes some […]


NEW EDITION – "Candy Girl"
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“Candy Girl” is one of those irritating records that I feel I ought to like more than I do. Certainly within the schema of Popular it should be a pretty ‘important’ single – it’s the first number one with rapping o[…]


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The effect of “True” – potent for some, emetic for others – is a function of how it rubs two impulses up against each other. One is a yearning for depth and the authentic, in the form of soul music. The other is a wish to make[…]


DAVID BOWIE – "Let's Dance"
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One of the odd things about Bowie is how panicky he seems to get when he’s in fashion. The image of him as a “pop chameleon” is surely at least partly cover for a flight-reflex that kicks in when one of his stylistic changes really […]

The Video Age
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Quick poll time:
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(The first two categories are designed to separate people who want the videos as part of the “package” of the song being discussed, and people who just want a way to hear[…]


DURAN DURAN – "Is There Something I Should Know"
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“Is There Something” – released between albums to maximise chart returns – is by no means Duran Duran’s finest moment. The chorus is a chant in search of a hook, and the shamefully half-hearted middle eight is a collecti[…]


BONNIE TYLER – "Total Eclipse Of The Heart"
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Pop repeats itself first as the sublime then as the ridiculous. “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” – especially when you watch the gauzy video – comes across as a big budget remake of Kate Bush’s “Wuthering Heights&#8221[…]


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Michael Jackson came to the title “King of Pop” in the style of a medieval ruler, carving out his realm piece by piece across a hard year of campaigning. He won some of his new subjects when he performed this song as part of a Motown anni[…]


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People who look back on the eighties and despair or scoff are probably thinking of hits like “Too Shy”, the very definition of flossy, flimsy, flouncy faux-funk foolishness. It’s a record so evanescent that you half-suspect it was s[…]

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  1. Well the Housemartins' bassist was a schoolchum of both the journalist Andrew Sullivan and of Labour front man Kier Starmer...

  2. I don't believe Dave Lee Roth has gone long enough between sexual encounters to build up the frustration required for…

  3. Here's a thing: if this were a stand-alone freakbeat breakout hit, I'd probably go 10/10 straight away without a moment's…

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