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Together! We Will Learn And Teach
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I am delighted to share the news that Popular (or rather me) is GOING WEST, with a speaking slot at this year’s EMP Pop Conference in Seattle. You can find full details here. Come along if you happen to be in Seattle and otherwise stay tuned fo[…]

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  1. Oh, I bloody love Dakota. And yes, I am one of those “it’s their only good single” people. But my…

  2. Well the Housemartins' bassist was a schoolchum of both the journalist Andrew Sullivan and of Labour front man Kier Starmer...

  3. I don't believe Dave Lee Roth has gone long enough between sexual encounters to build up the frustration required for…

  4. Here's a thing: if this were a stand-alone freakbeat breakout hit, I'd probably go 10/10 straight away without a moment's…