Cute country instrumental keeps Cramer’s high-grade piano work front-and-centre while throwing in enough variety to stave off boredom for two minutes – I particularly like the bass-and-handclaps breakdown at about 1’10”. Does its dancefloor job with slickness and vim, leaving no particular impression.
Score: 5
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5????? I must have been ker-az-ay.
On The Rebound. This piece of music, like all music, has to be viewed in both the context of the period & location it was released and then later in its historical context.
I was born in my dad’s hometown 35 miles from the Grand Ole Opry. That plus my mother being British allowed me to experience and appreciate a wide range of music. I’ve always enjoyed rock/pop instrumentals and “On The Rebound” fits right in with what was being released in the late 50’s & early 60’s. In that context OTR is a pleasant piece of music and warranted its one week at #1.
However, today, 45 years later, it wouldn’t even place in the top 200 of either pop, rock, contemporary, easy listening, or country.
Each generation seeks its own identity and music is often the #1 thing that they change. For example, back in his hey-day, Chuck Berry was asked what his favorite music was, the stuff he listens to when he has the time. He quickly replied “Big Band Music”. The reporter was shocked. He asked, “How could you, the real king of rock and roll love and listen to ancient music like that?” Chuck answer would have the approval of every shrink or counselor in the USA. He said that each of us love the music we grew up with. We’re a blank slate when we are young and whatever we listen to will always be it: the best music there is. Just like there is no love like your first love, there is no music like your first music. Kids of today (1958) will love rock and roll to the extent that I love big band music.” (Note: this is not a word for word quote, but real close).
So, take it as it is – a pleasant and enjoyable piece of the early 1960s.
Who used this a signature tune? Some Populist will know, I’m sure of that. A little voice in the back of my head keeps whispering ‘Jimmy Savile’ – Savile’s Travels, maybe?
Rosie – I can tell you that Savile used “In Crowd” by Ramsey Lewis for one of his shows. Can’t help you with placing OTR, alas.
It is used as the intro music for the great new film “An Education” starring Carey Mulligan.
It’s used on local radio WM on a Saturday network gold.
I didn’t know this until the early 80s, when I bought a double LP entitled Hits of the Screaming Sixties, one disc with 14 UK number ones and the other with 14 from the US. From the American disc I see that this was a number 1 there too, it was the only hit on either record that I didn’t know.
The track listing looks a bit predictable now but for one of tender years with virtually no 60s music, it was a real winner. The other sleeve, you won’t be surprised to hear, had the other half of the girl’s face.
I love this! *clap clap*
I’m surprised that this scores so low on the 1961 poll – it scoots along with enormous energy and confidence and it’s over in just over two minutes. A strong 7 for me
Not particularly big or ambitious, but I’m giving this a 9 because it makes me feel happy.
It’s terrific – swingin’ cosmopolitan country at its finest. Top-class musicianship and production values, a succession of delicious hooks and a vibe that’s simultaneously laid back and fizzing with energy. An 8, at least.
Totally agree with Paulito’s comment above. An 8/10 from me.