I’m genuinely pleased that Eddie Fisher got a second big hit, especially as it establishes the winning notion that if you’ve had one smash your second should be as like it as legally possible. ‘Outside Of Heaven’ saw Eddie standing in the crowd at his ex-love’s wedding: ‘I’m Walking Behind You’ ups the masochistic ante still further ‘ Fisher is walking behind his former girl up the aisle! The singing this time is almost as morose but twice as creepy, Fisher giving the title line an unpleasant twinkle even as he chokes back the tears. Sadly the somewhat pedestrian tune lets a grand performance down (i.e. I can’t remember how it goes, a deadly sin in the days when hooks were actually things like choruses. It might go ‘I’m walking be-HIND youuu!’ panto style but I fear that’s wishful thinking.)

Score: 5

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